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Name and Title | Contact | Teaching Locations |
Mike Barlow Maintenance Worker |
931-823-5525 Mike.Barlow@TCATLivingston.edu |
Robin Beckham Pharmacy Technology Instructor (Diploma-Medvance) |
931-823-5525 Robin.Beckham@TCATLivingston.edu |
Andy Beechboard Industrial Maintenance Instructor (AS Vol State Community College, Diploma-TCAT Hartsville) |
931-823-5525 Andy.Beechboard@TCATLivingston.edu |
Billy Bowman HVAC Instructor |
Billy.Bowman@TCATLivingston.edu |
Linda Brown Practical Nursing Instructor (RN, BSN, Austin Peay University) |
931-823-5525 linda.brown@tcatlivingston.edu |
James Cantrell Industrial Maintenance Instructor (AA, Motlow State, Diploma -TCAT Livingston) |
931-823-5525 James.Cantrell@TCATLivingston.edu |
Melissa Coffman Cosmetology Instructor |
melissa.coffman@tcatlivingston.edu |
Hansel Cooper Practical Nursing Instructor ( RN ASN, Indian Hills Community College) |
931-823-5525 Hansel.Cooper@TCATLivingston.edu |
Arthur Crouch Automotive Technology Instructor |
arthur.crouch@tcatlivingston.edu |
Seth Davis Building Construction Instructor |
seth.davis@tcatlivingston.edu |
Chris Dillon Maintenance and Facilities Coordinator |
Ty Eldridge PLC Instructor (Diploma-Northa American Lineman Training Center) |
Ty.eldridge@tcatlivingston.edu |
Randy Evans Collision Repair Instructor |
randall.evans@tcatlivingston.edu |
Joseph Gerwens Computer Information Technology Instructor (MBA/HRM, University of Phoenix) |
931-823-5525 joseph.gerwens@tcatlivingston.edu |
William Hamby Electrical and Plumbing Technology Instructor |
william.hamby@tcatlivingston.edu |
Jennifer Harris Academic Support Associate Records |
931-823-5525 jennifer.harris@tcatlivingston.edu |
Marsha Hedgecough Practical Nursing Instructor (RN ADN, Roane State Community College, CPR/BLS Instructor) |
931-823-5525 Marsha.Hedgecough@TCATLivingston.edu |
Socrates Henson Welding Technology Instructor |
Mandi Hill Cosmetology Instructor (Cosmetology Diploma- TCAT Livingston) |
931-823-5525 Mandi.Hill@TCATLivingston.edu |
Jeff Hogue CDL Instructor |
jeffrey.hogue@tcatlivingston.edu |
Johnathan Hooten Telecommunications Technology Instructor (AAS, CIT, Vol State Community College) |
johnathan.hooten@tcatlivingston.edu |
Carrie Huckeby-Johnson Administrative Office Technology Instructor (BS Business Management- Tennessee Technological University, CPC-A, COC-A, CPB) |
931-823-5525 Carrie.Johnson@TCATLivingston.edu |
Stacy Johnson Vice President of Organizational Effectiveness |
931-823-5525 Stacy.Johnson@TCATLivingston.edu |
Denver Jones Diesel Technology Instructor (Diploma- TCAT Livingston, ASE Certification MACS CEC-12 HFC-134a HFO123yf) |
Denver.Jones@TCATLivingston.edu |
Benny Dewayne King Dual Enrollment Automotive Technology Instructor |
s00263426@tbr.edu |
Rick Mace Welding Instructor White County High School |
Rick.Mace@TCATLivingston.edu | |
Tammie McCloud Financial Aid Coordinator |
931-403-3148 Ext. 931-444-1342 Crossville tammie.mccloud@tcatuppercumberland.edu |
Stacy McFall Coordinator of Business and Finance |
931-823-5525 Stacy.McFall@TCATLivingston.edu |
Laura Meadows Cosmetology Instructor (Diploma-TCAT Livingston) |
931-823-5525 Laura.Meadows@TCATLivingston.edu |
Chuck Mitchell Student Services Coordinator |
931-823-5525 charles.mitchell@tcatlivngston.edu |
Kristi Moore Financial Support Associate |
931-823-5525 Kristi.Moore@TCATLivingston.edu |
Colby Norrod Welding Technology Instructor |
colby.norrod@tcatlivingston.edu |
Britany Qualls Marketing Coordinator, Workforce Liaison/Student Services @ CHEC |
931-520-4640 britany.qualls@tcatlivingston.edu |
Wyatt Reagan Industrial Maintenance Instructor |
s00198733@tbr.edu |
Caleb Rich Welding Technology Instructor (BS, Agricultural Engineering TTU, Diploma-TCAT Livingston) |
Caleb.Rich@TCATLivingston.edu |
Wendy Riddle-Linder Student Success Coach/Financial Aid |
931-823-5525 wendy.riddle-linder@tcatlivingston.edu |
Steve Sells Machine Tool Technology Instructor (Diploma-TCAT Livingston) |
931-823-5525 steven.sells@tcatlivingston.edu |
Jeffrey M. Slagle Vice President of Operations and Facilities |
931-823-5525 jeffrey.slagle@tcatlivingston.edu |
Terry Sparks Vice President of Instruction |
931-823-5525 Terry.Sparks@TCATLivingston.edu |
Cynthia Tompkins Director of Nursing |
931-823-5525 Cynthia.Tompkins@tcatlivingston.edu |
Matt Watkins Industrial Credential Coordinator |
931-444-1284 matthew.watkins@tcatcrossville.edu |
Heather White Financial Support Associate |
931-823-5525 Heather.White@TCATLivingston.edu |
Cliff Wightman President |
931-823-5525 clifford.wightman@tcatuppercumberland.edu |
Jason Wilborn Welding Technology Instructor (1200 Hours, Welding, Tennessee College of Applied Technology Livingston) |
931-823-5525 Jason.Wilborn@TCATLivingston.edu |
Jeri Wilborn Tech Foundations |
jeri.wilborn@tcatlivingston.edu |
Cathy Winningham Aesthetics Instructor (Diploma-TCAT Livingston) |
cathy.winningham@tcatlivingston.edu |
Kelli Worley Student Services Coordinator |
Kelli.Worley@TCATLivingston.edu | |
Amy York Student Services Support |
amy.york@tcatlivingston.edu |